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Capital city
Сила: 3
Ловкость: 3
Интуиция: 3
Выносливость: 7
Интеллект: 50
Мудрость: 50

Могущество: 9 828 890
Уровень: 9
Побед: 3 361
Поражений: 1 447
Ничьих: 52
Место рождения: New Capital city
День рождения персонажа: 30.01.05 16:19




Анкетные данные

Имя: Lino
Пол: Мужской
Город: United Kingdom
Домашняя страница: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51qweU1DbbM
Девиз: Even if your blind you can still see my prophecy,My destiny to overthrow those on top of me
Увлечения / хобби:

Ѓљ27.06.08 00:09 purplewizard has achieved level 8!Ѓљ
Ѓљ20.01.10 19:42 purplewizard has achieved level 9!Ѓљ

21:12 purplewizard left the fight...

13:38 [Soul-Survivor] private [ Thess, purplewizard ] Signed, that purplewizard is clear

I wonder, are there any other worlds

With a spark of life and intelligence burns?

Is it possible that, as you look up at the same stars

On a warm summer evening, or a snowy winter midnight

And wonder if humanity is alone in the universe

At that same instant, someone else on a distant world

Is looking up at the same sky

And wondering the very same question?

RIP NewCaptial , memories that will never be forgotten

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